Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Currently

Well, Hello February! 

Boy, I feel like just a few days ago I was shouting Happy New Year! And now.. well, now it still feels like a new year for me ... just a new month! Happy February! 

I am link up with the amazingly funny Farley of Oh Boy...It's Farley! I love reading her blog because I really enjoy her style of writing.  

Oh Boy It's Farley

Let's get started with my Currently for this month!

Funny thing... the whole house is quiet. I am sitting in the office and all I can hear is my husband snoring. Shhh! I hope he doesn't mind that I'm sharing it with the whole blog world! Does your husband snore? I, honestly, can sleep right through it...doesn't bother me. At.All. Definitely a perk of being married for awhile.

This year I chose the word BREAKTHROUGH as my one little word!

I am trying to live it daily! It hasn't been easy but I'm loving it! It really is helping me have such a positive mindset about everything. I am more optimistic and encouraged! I find myself encouraging others too. Every Monday morning, I have been posting a positive message on Instagram!   If you are on Instagram, follow me (@a_grace_filled_classroom) and my #positivemonday post can help encourage you too!

All of  this really is a BREAKTHROUGH for me, y'all! It's not that I was negative or pessimistic person before. I think the best way to describe myself was that I was complacent. Very little excited me and very little motivated me! I was going through the motions of life but not really living. I had moments of happiness and being positive but overall I was just ho-hum. Sad, huh! Anyway, admitting this isn't easy... but it really is liberating and a mini- breakthrough.

It's hard to pinpoint when I decided that enough was enough, but last year around November, I realized that I didn't want to look back in life and think of my 30's as ho-hum. How horrible to think that I've zombied my way through some years of my life. After much praying and talking with my husband, I realized that I was in control of my happiness. I am the one that decides how I want to feel each day... so I'm choosing happiness, joy, excitement, action, living, and being purposeful!

If you have ever felt this way or maybe you do... you are not alone! This won't be the last time I blog about my one little word. I will definitely be blogging more about this and being very transparent about my progress!

I think I say this often... ha! But see, the old me... well she had no motivation to blog. How could I be encouraging or motivating when I lacked so much of it.

But now! BUT NOW!

Well, things are changing now. This little blog is going to have a BREAKTHROUGH too. I have a calendar, I'm taking a blogging class, I'm learning how to be a better blogger and how to create content that is worthy of your time! Let's face it, there are a ton of teacher blogs...you all have options when it comes to reading what we write.

I am working on bringing true ideas that real teachers will find helpful, real, and timely. The biggest thing I want to blog more about is making a difference in our students' lives. My blog title A Grace-Filled Classroom will truly be lived in this blog. I want to write about how all classrooms can be a little messy, crazy, fun and grace-filled!

I need a house cleaner.  That's all... while I'm having monumental breakthroughs, my house.. well not so much. Who's with me?

Well this is amazing... I am swooning over my new logo and my new blog design that are currently being worked on! I wish sooooo bad that it was ready now and that I could do an awesome blog reveal like Farley did... but alas it is not ready!

But stay tuned!

I'm planning an amazing blog reveal! A virtual party, if you will! It's going to be epic! Lots of giveaways and lots of fun! Believe me, be excited!

I will leave you with a tiny, tiny sneak peek at my new logo!

I know, it's not enough, but it will have to do for now!

 I hope your February is having an amazing start!


  1. Isn't updating your blog (or pieces of it) so exciting! I recently did some re-branding myself and it has helped me BREAKTHROUGH my TPT slump. Can't wait to see the full logo!

    One Modern Teacher

  2. Good luck on your new logo! All teachers need a house cleaner. Wouldn't it be so great if they included it in our contracts?:) Teacher Essentials

  3. Hey Laura! I am loving your new blog design. The rainbow letters are my favorite! So, so pretty!
    I feel like your Currently could be my Currently. LOL! I've been trying to convince my husband that I need a cleaning lady for a year now. I haven't won that battle, yet. ...and my husband is snoring, too. Loudly. :)

  4. Great blog post! I love your word BREAKTHROUGH. It defines everything... especially the fact that house keepers are miracle workers. Can't wait to meet you Saturday at the SO Cal Blogger's Tea! :)


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