Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dare to Dream

My bloggy friend, Jen of Sparkling in Second, is co-hosting a TpT Challenge! I'm a little late to the game because I've been crazy busy at work, but I really wanted to make time to participate.

Sparkling in Second

The challenges are super fun and a great way for TpT sellers and bloggers to work on their craft and share it with everyone.

This week we get to share our dreams!  I have dreams... lots. We should all have them, really.

The organizer in me had to categorize my dreams... is that normal?

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for awhile now. I don't know God's plan but I sure have been praying that he'll reveal it to us. I am hoping adoption is what He has planned for our family. In my heart, I really feel that we are being to called to it. We're in the beginning stages and have started looking at agencies. Even just writing this down... makes it seem like a dream. It would really be a dream come true to be a Mommy one day.  I cannot imagine what that will sound like to my ears... the first time I hear "Mommy"... surely I will cry. Above all, I have hope in the Lord that He will give our family what He wants for us.  (Prayers are accepted here!)

Along with that.. It'd love to own a house. If we're dreaming big... then I would dream up a big house, in a friendly community with a community/family oriented park within walking distance. I would love a community where we all look out for each other and everyone gets along. Block parties sound fun! I know these communities exist... now we just have to save enough to move in!

I seriously wanted to write "To become Deanna Jump". But I won't dream that... I love my life and know that God has a plan for me and my little store. I don't need to be Deanna Jump but it really would be a dream come true to have ONE of my products become such a hit that it becomes a BEST SELLER! I don't know what I'd do if it ever came true but I know running around like a mad woman and jumping for joy would be a part of it!

I looooooove to travel. Being a single teacher really lent itself to travel. I'd save all year and travel all summer. Priorities change once your married but luckily my husband likes to travel too. This summer we're hitting up Puerto Rico.  Visiting every continent sounds amazing. I still have all the A's to visit--> Antarctica, Asia, Africa and Australia!
Lastly, I've been to Ireland... but Ireland holds my heart! If I could live there I would.... but I'll settle for going back again.

Getting my Admin Credential isn't a priority yet... so I am placing it in the dream category. I don't know what path God has me on with work but if I'm meant to be a principal, I better get that credential.  We'll see. For now... I love being an Instructional Coach for my district.

And since I didn't post last week... here's my made-over product!

Last week's challenge was called Makeover Madness! We were challenged to revamp a product that might need some TLC. Boy did my Valentine product need some... for sure.

A fun way to engage your students during Valentine's day is to give them a Secret Valentine. I suggest starting a few days before Valentine's day and having them do fun little things for their Valentine all week. This product has everything you need to have students write a poem about their Valentine.  My class loved it when we did! I thought that they would be a little bit hesitant with it being Valentine's and all but I was wrong..everyone had so much fun.

To celebrate its makeover, I have it currently on sale for $1!

I'd love to hear about one of your family, TpT, work or travel dreams? Share with me!


  1. I'll bet your Top 100 goal is not far in the future! Your products are adorable. I'm impressed with your goals of adopting and getting your admin cert. They are not on the same level obviously, but both require such commitment! ♥

  2. Praying that you and your husband are blessed with a child! I feel exactly the same way about being in the top 100! I would be going crazy jumping for joy. I hope you get there soon!

    Reading Royalty

  3. Love how you organized yours ;) I'd love to return to Ireland too! I could live there too :)

  4. God's timing...oh how I wish it matched with ours. It is so tough when we have to wait and never know if something will truly happen. I'm learning to have more and more faith in Him and to trust that He can and will work miracles when He is ready. You should check out God's Dream for Your Life by Rick Warren. It's on the Bible App for free. I'm currently reading it and it has helped me a lot. I pray for peace until your prayers are answered!

  5. Thanks for sharing your dreams. Your honesty is beautiful. I love your assurance that God's plan is perfect.
    Applelight Moments By Stephanie

  6. I love your dream of being in the top 100!! Dream BIG!

  7. I love your dreams of having a family. I hope that God reveals his plan to you soon and that someday you will be a Mommy. Have fun in Puerto Rico!

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  8. Oh my goodness! What fabulous goals!!! I will keep you and your husband in my prayers... that your family grow as soon as God will allow! :-)

  9. Thank you for sharing your dreams! I can't wait to read about your accomplishments! They're just around the corner! :)



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