Saturday, April 4, 2015

April Currently

I know it isn't the first of April any more, I really did start this post that day, though! Today, I am finally getting time to rest and so I wanted to finish up my April Currently with Farley of Oh, Boy 4th Grade!

Listening: I am loving the song "I Lived" by One Republic. I know the song isn't new as pretty popular song but I just love the message and the rhythm of the song. I could listen to every day and not get tired of it!

Loving: I love that it's finally Spring Break! I've been looking forward to it for a while. I love, love, love my job as an instructional coach but my days have been long lately. Even though the end of the year is getting closer, the work load doesn't slow down since we are preparing for next year already. Anyway, a break is just what I need. I plan on going to the spa one of the days and trying to make it to the gym too. Of course, sleeping in is part of the equation and some nice outdoor lunch sessions with friends, just because I can!

Thinking: About ways to challenge gifted students. There seems to be a misconception still in education that more work, asking them to provide more examples, or making them group discussion leaders is enough to challenge a child. I am fervently reading anything I can find from Sandra Kaplan who shares the tools Depth and Complexity to help with mastery of a subject.  I look forward to sharing my findings with you all soon as well as with the teachers I work with!

Wanting: To create more and more products! Somehow there is never enough time for all the ideas that I have! Ha! I have a journal where I keep ideas and I keep filling up pages but am moving pretty slow in getting them done. I wish someone could just cook, clean and walk the dog for me so that I could create. No? Wishful thinking.

I did finally get around to posting a new product after about 2 weeks.  Check it out while it's 50% off!

Needing: To organize my office. I thought about it as a Spring Break project but it might roll into a Summer project. I'll see how far I get.  I plan on reading Ashley Hughes post from a few weeks ago on her blog The School Supply Addict to get some ideas!

"Eggs"plain Your Name:  The name of my blog is very special to me!

I opened my TpT store in January of 2014 and I prayed about whether or not to start blog. I finally decided that it would be a good idea. I wanted my blog to be more that just a slew of products on display. I wanted it to be a place where others could see how much I love my kiddos and hopefully inspire others in any way.

I prayed for awhile about what kind of name I should have for my blog. What word or words could embody what education and working with children meant to me?  A few days into brainstorming, exhaustedly I started to pray and the words "grace-filled" just came into my heart. I thought I do have a "grace-filled" classroom. Even on days when nothing is going right, I still feel blessed for what I do.

My teacher besties and I met together for lunch one day and I mentioned it to them. I told the name and they all agreed that it was a perfect name. One of my besties, passed a few days after that lunch. There are so many fond memories of that last time we spent with her.  Losing her was unexpected, to say the least, and happened instantly. After her passing, I couldn't think of any other name that fully embodied the teacher I wanted to be, the kind of teacher she was,  and the classroom environment I wanted to create for my students.

To me, A Grace-Filled Classroom is more than just my blog title, it's the way I choose to approach teaching, working with students and coaching teachers. I try to remember why the good Lord choose a teaching path for me and strive to keep each day filled with his graces!

Sorry for the mushy gushy explanation...

I hope you all have a beautiful and grace-filled Easter!


  1. What a lovely story about your blog name. Mine too has special meaning for me and reminds me of a special teacher I once worked with. Love it! Don't know the song you talked about (I am a bit out of the musical loop!) but am going to check it out right now!

  2. Nice story about your blog name. It is a tough job we all chose. It is important for us all to think on the reasons we choose to do it and to remind ourselves how each day holds something special.

  3. Howdy, Laura. Thank you for sharing the story behind your blog name; I'm touched by your tenderness. I've been working on grace so much this past year and realize every single day how important it is to give and receive it.

    Happy spring break to you,

    The Corner On Character


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