Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Spring" in Your Step Link-Up and Giveaway

I'm so excited to be participating in this awesome linky with some of the best bloggy friends a girl could have! Check out all the lovely ladies that are celebrating Spring! Lisa of Pawsitely Teaching, Julie of A First for Everything, Marissa of Inspired Owl's Corner, Heather of The Busy, Busy, Hive, and Amy of Lessons with Mrs. Labrasciano!

Spring is a beautiful time of year and a perfect time to have a giveaway! Many of the ladies are celebrating milestones too. Congratulations to Marissa for reaching 1,000 TpT followers!

Spring has a different meaning to different people. This year, to me, Spring means Spring Training! I've been looking forward to the end of March for a few months now when my girlfriends and I decided we wanted to go to Tempe, Arizona for Spring Training! 

Having gone to college in Southern California, watching Angel's baseball is definitely one of our favorite past times! We always make it a point to catch a few of their games throughout the season but going to Spring Training took us to a whole new level of fandom!

We got to watch the Angels play against the Dodgers! Which is the best introduction to Spring Training ever!

Here are some of the best parts about being able to go to a Spring Training game: 
  1. It's a small stadium, so you are really close to the field... and really close to the players!
  2. Love the casual environment!  People can sit out on the lawn! 
  3. The players are more approachable! People show up hours early and walk around the training camp and can be close to where the players warm up. Many of the players are out chatting with fans!!! They are also open to signing memorabilia.  (Mental note: bring a Sharpie next year.)

I loved going to Spring Training and we've decided that we are definitely coming back next year!

This Spring, I want to make sure to take for myself. Since the beginning of the year, I feel, like my family and I have been on "Go" and have not been able to slow down. I am really looking forward to relaxing during my Spring Break.  I have been a busy bee and I am looking forward to a week of relaxation.  I have to wait until after Easter this year, but I'm not complaining. I'm just grateful to have time to rest and recuperate! 

Have you ever tried a Scoot in your classroom?! It is my new favorite way of having students do procedural work for math this year.  The students will literally cheer when I mention that we are going to get to do a Math Scoot!  

It's hard to tell in this picture, but the students are working in a big circle around the whole room. Each student is working on a task card. When I call time, they leave the task card and "scoot" to the next task card. Each task card has a new division word problem for them to work on. Teacher heaven, when students are excited about learning and are engaged!

Students are given the option to work independently or with a partner. These two kiddos chose to work together and I enjoyed hearing the discourse they have when trying to solve the math problem together. Notice that the recording sheet has spaces big enough for students to draw pictures to help them solve!

This Beginning Division Scoot game is only $2.50 and it's on sale these next two days for $2.00! What?! Teacher heaven for only $2.00. Yes, please!

But wait, that is not all. Okay, that sound like an infomercial! Ha.

To celebrate having a "Spring" in my step, my whole store is on sale 20% so make sure to head over to my store and check out my other spring products.

My Spring Time Animals Poetry Unit is a perfect way to celebrate poetry month in April! Students will be able to write 3 different types of poems about Spring animals.

You're firsties will love these word problems to find the unknown number in an equation.

Please make sure to enter our raffle for some amazing prizes. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to check out all the other awesome teacher-bloggers that our joining our linky party! 


  1. My spring break is the same week as yours. I'm actually glad its after Easter instead of before like it was suppose to be this year. The count down has begun:)

    The Busy Busy Hive

  2. The Spring training looks so much fun!! I am from Peru so baseball has never been a sport that I followed.. However, I got married to a Cuban, and that my friend means baseball ALL THE TIME!! lol So now I love it! I think some day I'd like to do the same! :) Your products look amazing!
    I am so happy I joined y'all!! :)
    Brinca Into Bilingual!

  3. I agree, Scoot is awesome! I usually do it just as a walk-about activity, so they can spend as long or as short a time as they need. There's always spontaneous collaboration, and I can support struggling students without much notice from the other kids. Have a great break!
    Not very fancy in 1st

  4. I may have shed a teacher a little when I saw in shorts, and the sunshine and green grass. My yard is still covered in snow. It snowed all day yesterday here in MA. Uncle!

  5. I LOVE spring training and baseball. I try to take the family to game each year. Have fun catching some rays.
    Take care, Amy

  6. I've seen scoots mentioned on different teaching blogs but never really got what they were--your post is terrific! I think they could even work on specific topics for my middle schoolers. Kind of like doing centers without the centers. So glad you shared!

  7. I'm really hoping to get to relax during Spring Break too! Unfortunately I still have 2 more weeks of teaching first. My kids love SCOOT and using task cards too. It's funny how it is the same types of problems, but just putting them on cards and giving them clipboards seems to be so much more fun! :)

  8. You are so talented, Laura!!i love all of your creations! And I'm jealous of where you live! Looks like you are having tons of fun! :)


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