Sunday, March 15, 2015

Teacher's Pet Linky

How do they do it? Our pets, come into our home and into our hearts.  I've never had a pet of my own until recently when my husband gave me a puppy for Christmas.  Now, as a new pet owner, I can honestly say that I love her dearly and can't get enough of her. 

I jumped at the chance to be a part of this linky when the lovely Julie of A First for Everything invited me to be a part of this linky.  Here is my chance to talk and share all about my doggy, Mila!

It was sooooo hard to narrow down this photo album. I have tons of pictures of her. My husband makes fun of me for having so many but I can't help it!!!

Here is Mila on the very first day we got her, December 23rd. I'd just come home from shopping and she was waiting for me near the Christmas tree. My hubby had it all planned! The first 3 days we got her are the only times I've seen her sleep. (She's too hyper now... and if I get too close when she's sleeping she'll wake up and is ready to play.)

Mila is a Queensland McNab. Not too many people recognize the breed but what when I mention she's a similar to a healer then everyone nods and understands... "Oh... so she likes to nip!" Yup... that's her. My dog likes to nip and bite. I probably say "No biting, Mila." about 100 times a day, if not more.  

You can see how quickly she's growing! Where is my little pup pup from a few months ago?!  I wanted a cuddly, sleepy, calm, sit-by-your-side dog. That is not my dog at all! Because of her breed, she always needs a task, she can't stay still... always moving, always playing, fetching, chasing, barking.  It's a good thing we have a huge backyard. This high energy dog keeps me busy.

Now  that we're in March, I look at pictures of Mila and just can't believe how much she's grown.

Is this common with all dogs? Mila loves our shoes. She will run into our bedroom and the first thing she will grab is a shoe. Then, she'll run to a different room where she will proceed to keep it in her mouth. She's yet to tear up a shoe but I can see it happening. Mental note: keep my closest doors closed!

This picture is deceiving. Mila looks so calm, doesn't she? What you can't see in the picture is the treat I'm holding in my hand. Basically, I bribe my dog to sit still long enough for me to snap a picture.

Look at those eyes? Isn't she adorable? Yup, I LOVE her!


I saved one more picture for this funny pet story! It's funny now but at the time my heart was racing!  

Mila and I were visiting a friend. When we opened the gate to the backyard, Mila flew past us, ran, and leaped into the air....

Straight. Into. The. POOL!

 I never would have guessed that Mila would jump into the pool.  On a side note: Is that normal? Don't dogs sniff around first, or something?

Back to the story... I freaked out. I threw my phone on the floor new iPhone 6 on the floor, threw off my sweater, I seriously was about to take off my pants... please don't laugh... I was in a panic.... I think the only reason I didn't was because I remembered my friend's husband was in the house. Ha.

Before I could do anything, Mila came up out of the water looking for me. She paddled frantically over to the edge of the pool and I pulled her out.

Was Mila scared? Nope... she just kept running around the yard like nothing had happened.

I called my husband a few minutes later... I have good news and bad news. Good news... Mila knows how to swim! Bad news... my phone doesn't like to get thrown down. Boo. There's a thin crack on the top corner of the screen. Boo.

Without fail, everyone I tell this story to asks, "Don't you know dogs can swim?" 

Of course, I know dogs can swim!!!!

But when it's my little pup pup.... I don't know.... I went into panic mode.  I was seconds away from jumping.

Here's a picture of Mila still curious about the pool!

So since I love my dog so much... I decided to make her a part of a new product!!!  I had so much fun creating these 15 short passages about pets!

See there's her name. A short story about Molly and Mila... and the story is pretty true also!

The product comes with a total of 10 fiction passages and 5 non-fiction passages!

 The very first story starts with Mr. Brown, a a pet shop owner, selling a bunch of pets. The rest of the 9 stories that follow are about the pets that went home with everyone!

Whenever I post a new product it's 50% off for 48 hours... so this product is on sale for $2 today!

And just because I want you all to love my 15 Short Passages: Pet Theme as much as I do... I have a FREEBIE for you all!  The freebie has 2 short passages for you to check out! 

Make sure to join our giveaway and check out all the other sellers that also have a pet link up!

To celebrate this fun linky party my whole store will be on sale for 20% from Sunday to Tuesday! Make sure to stop by!



  1. Your dog is so precious! She looks like such a sweet girl! My dog Roger took a long time to sit still for pictures and we definitely worked on that with LOTS of treats. I love your story about her jumping right into the pool! I would have done the same thing and panicked! The things we do for our pets, right?! Your pet passages look great, I will be checking them out on TpT today! Enjoy your day!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  2. OH my WoRd LAURA!!! Mila is so precious. I just want to cuddle her. I may have a small problem with my love for all things furry. Thanks for sharing her story with us.
    xoxo, Amy

  3. I love Mila's paws! She is so precious. Your pet themed reading passage are awesome!

  4. Mila is so adoarable......and she looks so ornery! My chocolate lab is 6 years old....but I remember the days when she was all puppy! I am having so much fun perusing through all of the bloggers that have linked up in this linky party. The parade of pets is awesome! Thanks for sharing, Laura....and I am your newest follower!

    Mind Sparks


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