Sunday, November 29, 2015

Teacher Expectations: Self-Reflecting

Think back to all the amazing teachers you ever had. What do you think about?  Chances are you aren't thinking about how they taught you long division or about the Revolutionary War.  I'd imagine you're thinking about how they made you feel. You probably have an emotion tied to that teacher, maybe they helped you believe in yourself, maybe they encouraged and motivated, maybe they pushed you beyond what you thought possible.

I like to tell others that great teaching is an art. Like all artists, the only way to become a master is to reflect on your craft and seek ways to improve. I've come to learn that amazing teachers are the ones that are constantly seeking to improve, that are open to change and embrace growth.

In my previous blog post, Teacher Expectations Make a Difference, I talked about sharing different ideas that could help your students achieve.  But to be honest... before we look at helping our students we have to reflect on ourselves first. Like a master artist, what are areas that we need to improve in?

Here are two areas that I'd like for you to reflect on...

Classroom Environment

If we want our students to achieve, do we create an environment that is conducive to do so? Beyond what your classroom looks like, beyond classroom rules, procedures and routines...take a few seconds to think about your classroom environment.

What kind of environment have you and your students created?  Here are few questions to help with reflecting:
  • Do all my students feel welcome?
  • Do all my students know how I feel about them?
  • How do other students react when a student gets an answer wrong?
  • Are students in my classroom comfortable with sharing ideas?
  • Do my students encourage each other?
As much as possible, try to create a classroom where students feel safe to take academic risks and are encouraged, not only by the teacher but also by each other. A classroom where mistakes are seen as opportunities to continue growing and not as failure. A classroom environment where learning is the goal of the students as much as the teacher's goal. A classroom where learning is fun and students enjoy coming to school. An environment where the kids go home more tired than the teacher! And last but not least, a classroom where the students are inspired to be awesome!

This kind of environment is possible but it takes the teacher modeling and guiding the students to foster this type of community. It doesn't happen over night, it takes a lot of dedication and constant encouragement from the teacher. It requires communication. As a teacher, you have to tell your students about the kind of environment you are trying to create. And after you TELL them, you have to SHOW them. 

Does this sound like an ideal classroom? It doesn't have to be! I've seen these kind of classroom communities and they are fun to be in! In the coming blog posts, I will share how this kind of community can be a reality. It's all about how you as a teacher interact with your students!

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Student Expectations

If we want our students to achieve, we have to believe they can achieve!

So simple right?

Nope... not always. When I say they all can achieve... I'm talking about every. kid. in. your. class!

I'm talking about...
the one in the back of the room that wants you to ignore him and never wants to be called on. 
the one that can't sit still in his chair.
the one that is so low, she reads 2 years below grade level.
the one that comes to school with yesterday's outfit on.
the one that comes to school with ripped shoes.
the one that knows how to push your buttons.
the one that other teachers call "the trouble-maker".
the one who's parents don't have any formal education.
the one that you might not of spoken to after a whole day of instruction.

In the teachers' lounge I sometimes heard them referred to as "these" kids. 

Reflect... do you separate your students? Do you have a group in your mind that are perceived as high achieving students and a group that are perceived as low achieving students? Do you believe all your students can achieve?

It is very common for teachers to accidentally do this. I am definitely not pointing a finger at anyone. In fact, I was certainly guilty of this too when I first started teaching.

But... if we can start to let go of these perceptions... if as a teacher you can start to believe that ALL students can achieve and set high expectations for all learners, then you will begin to see a big difference in your students attitudes and achievements!

Students who think their teacher believes in them will achieve! 
Students who have positive affirmations on a daily basis will achieve!
Students who are given support will achieve!
Students who are encouraged and motivated to try will achieve!

I have found techniques that teachers can do with their class to make this a reality! To show your students that you have high expectations not only for your "high" students but for all your students!

In the coming blog posts, I will share these technique!

Remember.. teacher expectations make a difference!

Leave me note below, if you have any questions about today's post! Even if you don't agree with what I shared! I'd love to hear from you all!

Later this week, I will be blogging about expecting 100%!

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