Saturday, September 5, 2015

Five for Friday...Saturday

Hi Y'all! Boy is it hard to get this post out on Fridays! I was just so exhausted yesterday when I got home from work. My mind was telling me "finish that blog post" but my body was saying "just sit here on the couch with your legs up." Guess who won?!

I haven't done a Five for Friday lately 'cause I didn't feel I had a lot to share but today I do!!! Yay! So let's get started!

Before I forget, this linky is hosted by the lovely Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching!

These last two weeks have been busy! Even though I'm not in the classroom anymore, my days have been packed with presenting professional development to the teachers in my district. I've had so much fun and really enjoyed interacting with so many teachers.  It was exhausting work though. Presenting is hard enough but we had to present in non-AC rooms. Aghh! Living in Southern CA and having no air was tough. I tried to make the best of it by wearing dresses and drinking lots of ice-water, though!

Here is a picture with my colleague, Cathy, that I presented with. (I'm on the right.)

We haven't started school yet! Our first day of school will be on Tuesday after Labor Day. Although I don't have my own classroom anymore, I love, love, love the first day of school! One of my favorite things is to take pictures of my students on the first day of school with a sign!  

If you haven't gone back to school yet then you can use this freebie that I created for Kindergarten through 3rd Grade teachers!

I created two versions primary colored and bright colored! 

(Click on either of the images to download.)

If you like these banners you should check out my latest creation!

My First Week of School has everything a 1st/2nd grade teacher could need for starting school! I've included lesson plans and suggestions for the whole week! Everything you'd need for a successful first week of school is here!

Number 3 will be my favorite to share in this Five for Saturday! 

I REACHED 1,000 FOLLOWERS! Yup! I did. On Instagram AND Teachers Pay Teachers! I can't believe how far I've come and never expected it when I started back in January of 2014. 

To celebrate, I'm having a giveaway! Hop on over to the giveaway and enter to win one of two amazing product bundles or a $25 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers!

Hurry! The giveaway ends tomorrow!

But that is not all.... there is more!

Tomorrow, I will have a giveaway on Instagram too! You can win $25 to Target. (I love Target. Ok...I'm obsessed with Target! Is there a teacher that isn't?)  Make sure to check it out tomorrow. It is a IG hop, but it's only 6 hosts so it won't be to long.

Make sure you are following me on Instagram to enter and hopefully win!

Lastly, I'd like to share that I finally opened a Facebook page for my blog and TpT store!

 I don't know why it took me so long! I am excited that I finally did! I don't have a lot of "Likes" but I image that will take some time. I am looking forward to having quick and easy way to connect with followers.  I would love for you to all "like" my page!

That is all for my Five! If you would like to read more Five For Fridays or Saturdays head on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching!

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